Friday, May 11, 2012

Complete Unbearable Torture

Exams. What is the point of taking everything you have already learnt, only to re-write the same essays and tests. Exams are just another way of making students do more work. The Board of Education does it on purpose. It is like they want to make kids hate school instead of enjoy it. Exams are just a disappointment. No one likes exams not even the teachers. Is the Board of Education not observing anything? Like what do they even do all day to make education fun and better? Nothing I tell you. Nothing at all. They just sit in their offices all day just thinking of ways for school to be not exciting. Then out of no where it's like they lie straight to teachers and students saying “It’s important” but for what reason?  How are exams important if every student has already learnt everything on the exam and have already been tested on it? I mean, why isn't there an exam for gym? If I learn how to curl in a gym class shouldn't I be tested on it also? The Board of Education only picks the hardest and boring classes to have exams on. Literally. They know we hate math and science so they make us do another big test just because they can. I really hope those poor souls will find it in their heart that exams are torture. Complete unbearable torture.

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