Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scene of Cliches

George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone. George mumbled,    " what ya doing out here, I wouldn't be pushin my luck if I were you. "   Curley's wife reacts    " I was just wonderin why your out here all by yourself. "  George responded     " sometimes I want to feel free as a bird, and not have anything to worry about."  Curley's wife spoke softly,   " well I was just curios, that's all."   George whispered,   " well you know, curiosity killed the cat."   Curley's wife ran her fingers through her hair   " you should feel my hair, it's smooth like butter."   George shockingly replied       " why the hell would you want me to feel your hair? that's the bottom line lady.You need to head back to the drawin board with this one. "   Curley's wife defendingly said    " I'm sorry George I'm just under the weather today. It's just such a crystal clear day and I didn't want to stay inside the house."   George continued shoeing the horse and said      " I understand that but you can't be tellin every guy to feel your hair. One day it will get you in trouble, and all hell will break loose. "   Curley's wife just stood there. George spoke in a grand stature    " look, Curley has some bad blood around here. I'm  sorry for barking at you like a dog. He just thinks he is the bee's knees. I shouldn't of talked to you like that, I'm takin all my anger out on you instead of him."
  Curley's wife responded     " It's ok George I'm just lonely and everyone thinks I'm tryin to cheat on him, but I'm not. I try to bend over backwards for that guy but nothin seem to please him."  George said    " I understand but if you don't mind I'd like to finish shoeing this horse. "   George nodded back and continued working on the horse.

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