Friday, May 11, 2012

Complete Unbearable Torture

Exams. What is the point of taking everything you have already learnt, only to re-write the same essays and tests. Exams are just another way of making students do more work. The Board of Education does it on purpose. It is like they want to make kids hate school instead of enjoy it. Exams are just a disappointment. No one likes exams not even the teachers. Is the Board of Education not observing anything? Like what do they even do all day to make education fun and better? Nothing I tell you. Nothing at all. They just sit in their offices all day just thinking of ways for school to be not exciting. Then out of no where it's like they lie straight to teachers and students saying “It’s important” but for what reason?  How are exams important if every student has already learnt everything on the exam and have already been tested on it? I mean, why isn't there an exam for gym? If I learn how to curl in a gym class shouldn't I be tested on it also? The Board of Education only picks the hardest and boring classes to have exams on. Literally. They know we hate math and science so they make us do another big test just because they can. I really hope those poor souls will find it in their heart that exams are torture. Complete unbearable torture.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beyond the Light

Beyond the Light

                    [was] a pistol in his hand.
                    blue glow of television on his face. 
                   dart back and forth like startled fish,
                   he decides to call out to himself.     
                   [for him] is impossible.
                   the edge of light, he realizes
                   by time he can return.
                  and finding himself endlessly,
                  within him.
                  the edge of light , he realizes
                  break up isn't the end.           

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fruity Delight

The smell brought me to a tropical beach. It’s like I was laying on the sand inhaling the aroma of summer through my nostrils. The drink was a fresh breeze mixed with fruit and body wash. A plain ruby drink in my hand. I saw the drink as if it was red wine that was very young. I'd never really thought it would be a beverage that would bring me to an oasis.
The sounds I was hearing were beyond real. It was a deserted island surrounded by wildlife. I could envision parrots flying above me and the trees moving in the soft wind. Once I tasted the purified drink the scenery disappeared from my mind. As the drink flowed down my throat it tasted like disgusting melted down jolly ranchers of all different flavors. The taste was like dirty wrinkled clothes. I imagined it to be a packed carnival in my mouth twirling down my throat, but it wasn't. It was the taste of leather, the taste of pure sugar, and the taste of a nightmare. Once my tiny cup was empty I suddenly realized I was no longer on a tropical beach but just in a cold ordinary classroom.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Applicant #4456

You ask me what I am. How can anyone write down their entire being on one piece of thin paper?

You may not believe me but I am what I am because of the way I am around people. I am the youngest person to ever speak a word at the age of 1 month. I am the champion of Oreo cookie licking. How many people do you know that have climbed Mount Everest in eight hours? no one but me. I have the highest jump in the world. I have held my breath under water for six minutes straight. I have found Atlantis.

Once a week I fight a 450 pound wrestler and win. Once a week I fly to the Amazon in search for a cure for cancer. Once a week I go on Iron Chef and delivery a gigantic meal in under thirty minutes. Who needs an hour time limit?

I can throw a baseball from a mile away. I can train a cat to play the piano in less then 46 minutes. I can recreate every painting by Van Gogh with my eyes closed. It is Easy but not difficult. I had the opportunity to travel around the world in eighty days but instead I did it in twenty. Beating Susan Boyle in a karaoke contest was defiantly a high light. Mermaids are real and so is the Ogopogo. I cannot go through a day without eating breakfast twice. I can regenerate. I am related to the first person on planet earth. I can reenact every play by Shakespeare by heart.

Every month there are three days where I do certain things. On the 6th day of the month I run 10.4 kilometers then read 2 books with titles that being with the letter B, A, or T. On the 11th I race a semi truck on the Las Vegas NASCAR track while eating 12 glazed donuts. On the 26th I travel to every six flags in the United States of America and say "hello" to anyone wearing a mint green t-shirt.

I have accomplished the black belt level of training in Karate in under 3 months, but I have not been to University.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Letter Of Concern

142-3153 Paris Street
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 8P1

March 5, 2012

Central High School
123 Main Street
Sportstown, Britsh Columbia
V2A 1W2

Dear Mr. Kleats:

Hello I am one of the parents of the girls althlectic team. My name is Ilona Pawlowski and I have been observing the last few games which have left me with great concern. I have witnessed many issues regarding organization and game play this season. I am writing to you on behave of all the parents who are apart of this team.

The first issue that has concerned me is how you often arrive late to many of the games and practices. This shows the players and the parents that you have a lack of commitment to the team. Being late gives the girls less time to improve on skills and game play. Along with arriving late, the practices are disorganized most of the time. It would be very helpful for the girls improvement and experience if you would have better planned out practices and game schedules. This would make it easier for you and the team to transition from one thing to another. The girls would be much happier and fortunate on your contribution.

When the time comes to game play, many of the parents become disappointed with your choices.
Numerous parents would like to know why some team members obtain more playing time then others. Most often my child comes home upset because she didn't get to play as much as others do. I would be grateful  if you could help us as parents understand why this is.

Several parents and I are also wondering why you yell at the players and why you emphasize on winning constantly. I believe the team would have a better chance at winning if everything you say to the players is positive. The more positivity you give the better results. If the players do something incorrect then simply take them aside and explain how they can improve in a positive mood. Being positive could also result in winning since I have witnessed that myself last season. If you can sit down with the parents to see if someone can start warm up when you are running late that would be fantastic. We can help the girls start warm up at normal time since you may have other commitments which is understandable. I believe working together and figuring out their schedules will lead to great success for the girls athletic team. If you could please consider the following, the parents and players will be grateful and excited for the rest of the season. I will be watching the next game and I hope to see some great improvements. Thank you for your time.


Ilona Pawlowski

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Shock Indeed Mayor Smith

Ilona Pawlowski
142-3153 Paris Street,
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 8P1

February 10, 2011

John Smith
City Hall 568 Main Street
Small Village, B.C.

Dear Mr. Smith:

 What you have uncovered is defiantly something to consider. Mr. Smith, you have asked me for advice before but you can't only take my advice with a situation like this. I will tell you what I believe is the right thing to do with the evidence you have found. But I'm not the Mayor like you are, so you will need to think this over.
 One thing you have to deliberate is all the activities Gunter Grass has done in his life time. So you say that he was a commandant of a Nazi concentration camp. I don't think anyone who was a Nazi would do so many good things for this village to be honest. Gunter has done so many tremendous things for our village it would be very difficult to do something to hurt him, and his people. The factory he has built has given our village a lot of jobs and income. He has really shaped our village and If we reveal this damaging evidence, who knows what would happen. Maybe even Riots. What I think you should do is distinguish the evidence. Everyone has done awful things in their past and many try to make up for whatever they've done wrong. With Gunter I believe he has learnt from his mistakes like so many other people have in their life time. Another reason I think you should just destroy the evidence is he is clearly very old. Even if you share evidence with the police and he gets sent to jail, He will only be in their for a short period of time since he is nearly dead.
 Many Nazi were simply brain washed into thinking Jewish people were a problem. Times have past and people have changed. I don't think putting him in jail will matter since he might already know what he has done wrong. Think about all the drama you would cause in this village if you release information. I believe many people would even wreck the factory he built. If the villagers do that, then our village will be back to where we started. Mr. Smith this is your decision but what I truly think you should do is to terminate the evidence. It will be better for the people , for him , and for our village.


Ilona Pawlowski

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scene of Cliches

George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone. George mumbled,    " what ya doing out here, I wouldn't be pushin my luck if I were you. "   Curley's wife reacts    " I was just wonderin why your out here all by yourself. "  George responded     " sometimes I want to feel free as a bird, and not have anything to worry about."  Curley's wife spoke softly,   " well I was just curios, that's all."   George whispered,   " well you know, curiosity killed the cat."   Curley's wife ran her fingers through her hair   " you should feel my hair, it's smooth like butter."   George shockingly replied       " why the hell would you want me to feel your hair? that's the bottom line lady.You need to head back to the drawin board with this one. "   Curley's wife defendingly said    " I'm sorry George I'm just under the weather today. It's just such a crystal clear day and I didn't want to stay inside the house."   George continued shoeing the horse and said      " I understand that but you can't be tellin every guy to feel your hair. One day it will get you in trouble, and all hell will break loose. "   Curley's wife just stood there. George spoke in a grand stature    " look, Curley has some bad blood around here. I'm  sorry for barking at you like a dog. He just thinks he is the bee's knees. I shouldn't of talked to you like that, I'm takin all my anger out on you instead of him."
  Curley's wife responded     " It's ok George I'm just lonely and everyone thinks I'm tryin to cheat on him, but I'm not. I try to bend over backwards for that guy but nothin seem to please him."  George said    " I understand but if you don't mind I'd like to finish shoeing this horse. "   George nodded back and continued working on the horse.